LowCal Raspberry Jelly

Here’s what you do;
♥ Put 5-6 gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water. Let them sit for 5-7 minutes
♥ While the gelatin sheets are in the cold water, blend 3dl of Fun Light with Raspberry flavor and 5dl of water in a bowl and heat it up
♥ When the Fun Light and water is hot, add the gelatin sheets to the mix and stir. It’s not supposed to boil.
♥ Let it cool off for a while, before you put everything in a bowl. If you want, add frozen or fresh raspberries. I used frozen ones, and it tasted delicious.
♥ Put it in the fridge for at least 6 hours. I had it in the fridge over night.
♥ Then it’s dunzo! Add which ever custard you want, I used what’s called ‘vaniljekesam’ in Norwegian, but regular custard probably tastes better.
♥ Serve it however you like, personally I think it’s cute to use cocktail glasses. Yummyyyy!!!