LowCal Raspberry Jelly

Blev sugen på att prova det här receptet efter att ha kollat lite på bloggen Cath in the city. Verkar asgott!! Kopierade receptet och bilderna rakt av från hennes blogg så därfär det står på engelska:)

Here’s what you do;

♥ Put 5-6 gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water. Let them sit for 5-7 minutes

♥ While the gelatin sheets are in the cold water, blend 3dl of Fun Light with Raspberry flavor and 5dl of water in a bowl and heat it up

♥ When the Fun Light and water is hot, add the gelatin sheets to the mix and stir. It’s not supposed to boil.

♥ Let it cool off for a while, before you put everything in a bowl. If you want, add frozen or fresh raspberries. I used frozen ones, and it tasted delicious.

♥ Put it in the fridge for at least 6 hours. I had it in the fridge over night.

♥ Then it’s dunzo! Add which ever custard you want, I used what’s called ‘vaniljekesam’ in Norwegian, but regular custard probably tastes better.

♥ Serve it however you like, personally I think it’s cute to use cocktail glasses. Yummyyyy!!!


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